About GeoForum
GeoForum brings together the players in geospatial, GIS and geoinformatics in Finland. We promote cooperation between experts and organizations that produce and use geospatial data. These are companies, public administration, educational and research institutions.
GeoForum offers its members and stakeholders the opportunity for cooperation and interaction in order to utilize and develop expertise. Through an active network, the association represents the geospatial industry, increases the understanding of the importance of geospatial information, and participates in the preparation of development projects and social decisions.
GeoForum is main organizer of GeoForum Summit, which is an annual event that brings together experts and top professionals in geospatial industry in Finland. In 2023 the event had over 1,100 visitors. GeoForum is also partner in Location Innovation Hub project, which part of the European Digital Innovation Hubs.
The operation of the network is managed by GeoForum Finland ry, which is a non-profit public benefit association. The actual members of the association enable the operation of services and administration.
You can contact GeoForum Finland at info@geoforum.fi.
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GeoForum Finland ry
The association was established as a measure of the Spatial Information Policy report approved by the Parliament on 28 November 2018. The independent association is non-profit and registered on August 19, 2020 to continue the operation of the Geospatial Network previously maintained by the National Land Survey.
The association’s activities are managed by the executive director under the guidance of the board. The association may employ part-time assistants. The association organizes an annual general meeting for its members. In addition, the operation is guided by a broad-based steering group consisting of industry players.
Fostering cooperation
The association creates value for its members by maintaining a platform that enables cooperation and by providing a pathway to knowledge, know-how and solutions.
Industry representation
Through strong influence, the association acts as a recognized representative of the geospatial information industry and increases the understanding of the importance of geospatial information in society.
Promotion of development
The association participates in the preparation of development projects and decisions and helps to create joint projects across administrative and industry boundaries.